Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

My Daily Activities

I want to tell you about my daily activities.

05.30 a.m. = I wake up, and then take a bath and pray Subuh.
06.00 a.m. = I prepare everything for going to campus and also to feeding myself with a breakfast.
07.00 a.m. = I go to campus by motorcycle. It takes 30 minutes from my home to the campus.
07.30 a.m. = At the campus, I’m doing the campus activity, as usual.
11.30 a.m. = I eat lunch and pray Dzuhur at the campus.
12.30 p.m. = I have to study the next subject until 4.30 p.m.
04.30 p.m. = Usually, this time I have finished the subject and then I go back to home.
06.00 p.m. = I take a bath and pray Maghrib.
07.00 p.m. = I have dinner with my family. After have dinner, I continue my activity, watch TV.
08.00 p.m. = If I have some homeworks to do, I do my homeworks. But, if there’s no homeworks, I’m chilling out.
08.30 p.m. = I pray Isya’.
10.00 p.m. = I go to bed.