Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Stories in English "Jack and the Beanstalk"

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack. Jack and his mother were very poor. One day, Jack took their cow to the market to sell. On the way, he met a man. The man said, "I will give you magic beans for you cow." Jack took the beans and gave the cow to the man. Jack's mother was very angry. She threw the beans out the window. The next day, Jack looked out the window and saw a beanstalk. He climbed up the beanstalk. At the top he saw a huge house. He knocked on the door and the giant's wife opened the door. She gave him breakfast. Suddenly, Jack heard, "Fee Fi Fo Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman!" "Hurry," said the giant's wife. "Hide. He likes to eat boys!" The giant sat down and asked for his hen. The giant's hen laid golden eggs. When the giant went to sleep, Jack picked up the hen and climbed down the beanstalk. The next morning, Jack climbed up the beanstalk again. This time, the giant asked for his golden harp. When the giant went to sleep Jack picked up the harp. The harp shouted, "Master! Wake up!" The giant woke up and roared, "Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman." Jack ran to the beanstalk and climbed down. The giant climbed down after him. "Mother, give me the ax" said Jack. Jack took the ax and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell into a big hole and disappeared. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with the hen and the harp. -THE END-

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